Happy ‘ending’! Really?!

Happy Ending. A concept that I always fail to understand.

The only happy ending to me is the ending of a class, or a boring film or maybe a dish made with one of those evil green leafy vegetables.

But frankly, the way I look at things, endings are never good.

The very fact that you are willing to end it is an open statement that the time you invested in it was a waste of time.

I’m talking about projects, things, relationships (yes), a football match!

But obviously a football match has to finish, we cannot afford to see players die on the field.

So, endings. What are they? Why are they?

If you read my blog, you know I’ve been through a big ‘ending’. Trust me, it was anything but happy. It was shit. I know it is in the past, but ‘daym nigga!’ It killed me while it lasted.

There are many reasons for that to have happened. Not denying that. I will leave that topic for another day, another blog! (Yes, this is like product placement :p ).

When it ended, obviously there was the routine misery, pain, disinterest in living.

But since I’m intellect that I am (Ahahahahaha! 😀 ), a question popped up.

Was putting in all the time, effort, affection, emotion a waste?

You know, I’m an atheist. And things like ‘it was meant to happen’ don’t mean anything to me.

It is not like I want to be a psychic and know the future. But then, if you’ve put in so much in something, it doesn’t deserve to end, so sorely.

But that isn’t the point. The point is, the shit that the media and movies put in your head. That eventually all will be well.

BULL SHIT! Nothing will ever be well.

There will always be cunts who end things and there will always be endings that are never a happy affair!

Merci! (Fuck yeah, the blogger can speak French too! )

The red in love- it’s Liverpool

So, for the regular readers of my blog- read Abhishek, Neha, Sharma ji :p, Ramyata maybe, Sharat and Aditya- I haven’t blogged in a while. I know, I know, I’m sorry. I deprived you off my excellent blogging skills. :p But not anymore.

So, again, for the regular readers of my blog, which suddenly increased when I started writing about my ahem ahem, yes you know what, I have learnt a few things in life.

EVERYTHING they say about love, it is wrong. Except for one thing. It is red in colour. Fuck yeah they’re right about that. So is LIVERPOOL FC.

Yes, that's my club. :D
Yes, that’s my club. 😀

I have been following football for 8 months now, and I am no expert in the sport. It might take a lifetime to become one. Anyway, because my friend Amrit, who introduced me to the sport (Can never thank you enough buddy), is a Liverpool fan, I started off as one not knowing what being a Kopite actually means.

Eight months down the line, I’m in love with the sport and the club. It is like every player, is one of my family member. And Steven Gerrard, well, just cannot get enough of him. He is outstanding.

Shall see this at the end of the next Champions League season! :D
Shall see this at the end of the next Champions League season! 😀


This one's from last month. Just to screw around with Aditya :p DUDE 3-0 at Old Trafford!! :D
This one’s from last month. Just to screw around with Aditya :p DUDE 3-0 at Old Trafford!! 😀 I love Gerrard! 😀

The more I read, the more I watched, I fell in love with Liverpool. Best part, it will stay for as long as I live and never ever ever (read in Arnab’s Meenakshi Lekhi interview style) leave me. And it keeps telling me ‘You’ll never walk alone’.

Never Ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever :p
Never Ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever :p

This club, is beyond being a club. It is a family, that accepts you no matter who you are and where you are from. I am no where close to Anfield, but someday I shall be there. I do not know what will happen to me when I reach there. I will leave it for that moment.

Oh I could just die here! :)
Oh I could just die here! 🙂

Now, after being a cricket fan for over 10 years of my life, I repent starting watching football so so soooo late. Yes, I do. Of course, cricket has its own thrills, but football, nothing beats it.

The clubs, the fans, the chants, the passion. Happens just in football.

So this blog is to proclaim my love for the brilliant sport that football is.

For the spirit of the game.

And for the passion with which every fan watches it.

Cheers to you. Cheers to football. And yes, Liverpool FC is the best in the world. 😀 (I get to decide who is the best. It’s my blog! :D)

Faith. Hope. Belief. Support.
Faith. Hope. Belief. Support.