Reading a cricket match!

The IPL is here, and for those who don’t know me, I am a total cricket freak. I love watching it. I can watch cricket all day long. My favourite format is Test cricket but IPL has a kick of its own.

The cricinfo website, my savior! :
The cricinfo website, my savior! :

I remember watching each match of all the seasons till this one. Life can do stuff to you, and it did in my case! I have office to go to now, and my office ends right at the time when the match! that implies, there is no chance of me watching the match! Depressing, isn’t it?

But yes, just when i thought that there is no way i can enjoy the match, i came across cricinfo and the crazy commentary it has! Since then, i have been reading every match. I know that sounds weird, but trust me, it is brilliant. No the Crininfo guys aren’t paying me for this! :p

Tried searching for a good screenshot of the IPL T 20 website! dint find it! so used this! :D
Tried searching for a good screenshot of the IPL T 20 website! dint find it! so used this! 😀

Reading the commentary gives an all new dimension to a cricket match. Every ball is visually described, and you get to imagine the entire thing in your head. It’s like reading a novel, even better, like reading a film script. Though your imagination might not be right always, or accurate for that matter. But on the whole, it is something you’ll enjoy.

Not to forget, the official IPL website is also doing a great job. It is more interactive with the pulse voting as well.

So while the rest of the world watches the match, I read it, daily. This, in true terms is a sub editor’s life! 😀